We No longer offer a CSA option. However, we do offer folks the ability to call us and set up a time to come to the farm to purchase what you want and need! .We are growing over 25 different vegetables. We grow an extensive number of tomato varieties to provide a diverse experience for our customers, but also to lessen the potential impact of crop problems due to pests or weather. We are committed to giving our customers the opportunity to nourish their families, sustain the environment, and provide them with fresh, wholesome food.
Growing Practices
We are not organic! We ARE committed to maintaining the quality of the soil on our farm. We regularly rotate crops, have soil tested and nutrients added as needed. We are following a strategy of Integrated Pest Management which is a conservative approach: http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/factsheets/ipm.htm
We only spray when needed and residue usually gets removed through weathering and washing. It is always good practice to wash your produce no matter where it is purchased. When we have experienced crop problems in the past, we have consulted with Rutgers Extension Service and Cook College which are part of Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.
How Did the Program Work?
Members come to the farm to receive their weekly share. When you come to the farm each week you will review the posted list of available produce and share quantities. You can either quickly pick up a prepared share (Pre-filled baskets/containers) or fill your own basket or bags based on the posted list. We will be providing pick-your-own opportunities, for those who are interested, for strawberries, cut flowers, grape tomatoes, and Artisan cherry tomatoes that are part of the weekly share. Brown eggs and fruit are included in the shares occasionally.
The season runs from June through October as various crops come into season. The season is 18 to 20 weeks dependent upon weather and growing conditions. (see crop availability chart) Once a member, you will receive the date of the first pick up and news about the CSA program via the email address that you provide on your application. During the season, IMPORTANT CSA News or Updates will be posted on the Homepage for quick notification to members. Check our homepage frequently!
There are Three types of shares available for members depending on their situation.Full Share $580
Half Share $380
Individual $280A Full Share generally feeds an average family of four, while a Half Share is suitable for a small family. The individual share is self explanatory. We strive to include all types of available produce in every type of share each week, just varying the amount. Please keep in mind that the right-sized share for you depends not just on the number of people in your household but also on your eating habits. If you are a vegetarian or like to do lots of canning and freezing, you may prefer a larger share. A listing of previous member share content is available from the link below as well as from the link on the right about the Weekly Share Listings from 2015 and 2016.
You may also want to consider splitting your share with another person or family. Please know that there are times when some items will be limited to one per share, regardless of share size. We will not create separate share packages for split shares - splitting the share will be the responsibility of the member.
Pick Up Times: Monday 3pm - 7pm
If you can't make a pick up week, you are welcome to have a friend, etc. make the pick up for you. Make ups will be at the discretion of Farmer Al.
Download an application and send it to us.
Any questions, please contact us at csa@catalpafarmnj.com or call 732.672.5176
Volunteering Opportunities
CSA members who are interested in obtaining a more indepth experience and spending time connecting to the land are welcome to volunteer to help with some of the tasks at the farm. If you are interested, please email us regarding your interest and level of physical ability to help !
Click here for Current Availability
Click here for links to recipes and meal suggestions for the week.
Not sure what you have?
Click here.